MB&C22 meeting

MB&C22 Meeting

Workshops flowcytometry
1) Flow Cytometry – Set-up van een protocol en standaardisatie van een cytometer – Eliane Henri (Analis)
2) Flow cytometry of tissue biopsies – Bernard Husson (Hôpital de Jolimont)
3) Start validation of a novel flowcytometer – Malicorne Buysse (UZG)
4) Blood and bone marrow differentiation by flowcytometry – Wim Renmans (UZB)
5) Quality assurance in flow cytometry: discussion of guidelines – André Gothot (CHU Liège)
6) Switch from 8 to 12 colors – Jan Emmerechts (AZ St-Jan)

1) Start-up with spectral cytometry – Cytotek
2) Flow cytometric MRD applications in hemato-oncology – Barbara Denys (UZG)
3) datamining and machine learning in flowcytometrie – Sofie Van Gassen (UGent)
4) DfN approach versus LAIP by MRD AML – Angèle Kelder/ Sander Snel/Jacqueline Cloos/ Lok Lam Ngai (CCA Amsterdam, VUmc)
5) Multicolour panel design: tips & tricks – Gert Vanisterdael (Ugent)
6) Digital microscopy of bone marrow and body fluids – West medica
7) Case presentations – multicenter (Brigitte Cantinieaux/Jan Emmerechts/Ronald Malfait/Katrien Vermeulen/Barbara Depreter)
Overview Workshop Sessions
Workshops Molecular Biology

1) Massive Parallel Sequencing – Ben Caljon (VUB)
2) Statistical methods in validation reports and QC – Jeremie Gras (IPG)
3) qPCR assay and primer design – TBC
4) Bio-informatics for dummies – Paco Hulpiau & Cedric Hermans

1) NGS variant interpretation + tools (SeqOne, OncoKDM, perianDx, QCI) user experience with these software – Guy Froyen (Jessa Hospital), Sara Vander Boght (UZG)
2) Chimerism evaluation by NGS – Helena Devos (AZ Sint-Jan)
3) Copy number variation by shallow sequencing in CLL and MM – Barbara Cauwelier (AZ Sint-Jan)
4) Interpretation of clonality analyses (Ig & TCR) and IgH hypermutation analysis – Elke Boone (AZ Delta) & Sabine Franke (CHU Liège)
5) RNA sequencing for the detection of fusion transcripts – Joni Van Der Meulen (UZ Gent); Claude Van Campenhout (Hôpital Erasme) ; Ken Maes (UZ Brussel)
6) Analysis and visualization of sequencing data – Paco Hulpiau (UGent)
7) Covid testing – from low to high throughput – Jasmine coppens (UZA) & Laurent Gillet (ULiège)
8) Bioinformatics workshop on sequencing introducing data formats, analysis and visualization – Paco Hulpiau (UGent) & Marieke Mispelaere


MB&C22 Meeting